You have a business idea. You are convinced that it will work because you have carefully thought everything through. You have the ability, will and passion. The only thing missing is that finishing touch – that extra something.
We are here to make sure your project clears that hurdle. We secure the necessary capital, so that you can make your idea a success. And we stand by you until that success is a reality.
Talk to us. Instead of putting obstacles in your path, we build bridges that enable you to go further. Rather than try to impress you with a lot of jargon, we speak your language, so that we understand each other clearly.
This could be the start of a wonderful partnership.
You know what you want and what you need. We approach this in a way that is not just about obtaining economic capital, but also about sharing social, cultural and symbolic capital that helps you to get your business started or to take it to the next level.
We primarily focus on people’s fundamental needs and bring them into harmony with sustainable projects, guided by typical Swiss characteristics like structure, inventiveness, stability, longevity, precision, teamwork and a readiness to help others.
Although over 2500 years have passed since Heraclitus said “change is the only constant,” this saying perfectly describes our modern-day world. With this in mind, we share economic, social, cultural and symbolic capital with you, so that we can accompany you on a journey that nobody has taken before.
Studies and facts demonstrate that in Switzerland, due to the political and economic stability, the highly qualified and liberal labour market, and international bilateral agreements with China, the USA and the European Union (EU), the framework conditions are ideal. This is boosted by relatively low taxes, high purchasing power, and the people’s above-average motivation, creativity and life satisfaction. We help you to realise the ideal office location or to enter into an exchange with like-minded people in inspiring, highly modern, furnished office space in Zurich, the innovation hub . With us, your staff will find fully equipped and furnished flats to move into right away. We take care of all your concerns.
When it comes to helping companies in research, industry, production, manufacturing, commerce and e-commerce get established in these sectors, we are leaders with decades of experience. The same applies to the development of sustainable real estate, for offices, halls, industry, production, storage and logistics, on your desired site in Switzerland or abroad. For municipalities, local authorities and private investors, we use capital and know-how to develop technology parks and industrial parks for establishing future-oriented companies that create jobs and pay taxes locally. On request, we can send you our list of references, which includes many national and international SMEs and large corporations. Each year, we facilitate over 600,000 m² of new development. We help you by ensuring that everything goes smoothly, so you can concentrate entirely on your business activities.
Launching a new company entails a lot of administrative work and calls for a certain amount of know-how. As an investor and business angel in these sectors, we are the first port of call for start-ups on the way to making a business happen. Please first send us your documents or short video electronically here. You provide the idea. We provide that extra something.
Sale-&-leaseback transactions can free up valuable resources to boost your company’s stability or growth. If you own developed or undeveloped sites with industrial, production or office buildings that are no longer necessary for your business operations, we purchase them rent-free, or with a long-term lease. On request, we will gladly provide references regarding real estate transactions that we have carried out with Swiss and European SMEs and large corporations. You can also come to us if you are considering investments in companies or full company takeovers, with or without real estate, in these sectors here. In the past 10 years, we have processed transactions worth over 2 billion francs. Talk to us. We understand your needs.
As you develop your business or continue your own personal development, are you looking to profit from the experience of an extraordinary individual from your field, or of outstanding achievers from politics, business, culture and sport? Are you interested in finding out about that extra something? We can help you find the perfect mentor to give you competent and discrete support, so that you can make confident decisions, avoid mistakes and enhance your personal capabilities. If you want to join our mentoring programme and would perhaps like to introduce yourself in a short video, please click here.
To get a business off the ground and make it successful, you need communication and contacts, the likes of which you might not yet have access to. Taking on board the experiences gathered by people in your environment can be a key success factor for your own activities. We support you with our extensive network of contacts in a wide variety of sectors, fields and regions. You can register for our networking events here.
“Our heads are round so our thoughts can change direction”: in keeping with this maxim from Francis Picabia, we develop ideas and concepts that are sometimes unconventional, so that innovations have room to flourish. Every innovation can be a success factor of the highest order, and is worth putting plenty of thought into. To this end, together with you and (if necessary) other companies, we set up a think tank and an innovation factory. Innovative ideas are most likely to arise wherever knowledge and experience from different sources are combined. We are active in these sectors. You can get in touch with us here.
Nobody can really be a jack of all trades. Although our experience is wide-ranging, we don’t claim to be at home in all sectors and fields. Accordingly, we focus on areas where we have already provided many companies with capital, helped them to get started and guided them to success, so that we can do the same for you: by getting involved from an early stage for the long term, in a way that suits your needs and gives you security.
You can contact us here
You can contact us here
You can contact us here
You can contact us here
You can contact us here
You can contact us here
In recent years, we have helped a wide range of different companies and investments get up and running in Switzerland and throughout Europe, guiding them to lasting success. Our involvement is always meticulously planned and transparent. We take the respective situation into account, along with all associated business risks and opportunities, while constantly remaining flexible enough to react promptly and prudently to all kinds of changing conditions.
The SCHWEIZER KAPITAL GROUP was founded by Umut Ertan in 2011 with the aim of promoting cooperation between the leading European universities and colleges in Switzerland and Germany through direct information and research exchange with companies, thus supporting the innovative power and economy of both countries. Schweizer Kapital Group successfully finances company settlements as well as research and development sites of renowned German as well as Swiss companies in all metropolitan areas in Switzerland, Germany as well as in Eastern Europe.
SCHWEIZER KAPITAL Holding AG is a management holding company that exercises active investment management with respect to its subsidiaries and affiliates and, through active participation in long-term management decisions, provides strategic support for the business development of the investee as well as develops, manages and licenses IP rights.
Größter Energie- und Innovationspark Deutschlands: Green Valley
Leading consulting company for the settlement of industrial, technology, research and logistics properties in Germany: Realogis
Development of new and existing logistics properties: Logic Green
Organization for a better societey and economy: PLANET IMPACT FOUNDATION
Flying wind power. More sustainable power thanks to 10x more efficient wind power: Kitekraft
Compressed air technology to store electricity and generate heat and cold: Green-Y
Generation, storage, and feed-in of renewable energies in the maritime environment: SINN Power
First impact investor in Germany, Austria and Switzerland for exclusively disruptive business models: SCHWEIZER KAPITAL GLOBAL IMPACT FUND AG
Temporary living art: ARTEL
KARMACOIN the good coin: karmapoint®
Let us know what your project is all about in a few words or in the form of a short video, or else contact us directly, so that we can arrange our first talk right away.
Dolderstrasse 107 CH-8032 Zürich
T +41 44 520 48 00
F +41 44 520 48 01